Avalanche experience

7 min readMar 28, 2021


What is avalanche?

Avalanche is a blockchain protocol created for launching projects from the field of decentralized finance (DeFi) and deploying its own networks in a single ecosystem. In simple words, Avalanche is a complete analogue of Ethereum, but unlike it, transactions are made instantly and with a near-zero commission.

At the end of September 2020, the Avalanche team announced the launch of the main network, with a throughput of up to 4,500 transactions per second.

The Avalanche network has the following distinctive features:

•Support for the Ethereum toolkit, including EVM Unprecedented security

•Full decentralization and maximum transparency

•The ability to scale the protocol

•During the testing of the testnet, about 1000 young projects began to deploy their business solutions

•Support for the top Ethereum wallets MyEtherWallet and MetaMask

•Support for collectible tokens, known as NFT Control over personal data

•Create smart contracts for any purpose in one click

•Support for chainId identifiers for even greater security of created blockchains

•Ability to perform cross-chain transactions

Advantages and disadvantages of Avalanche:

  • Direct competition with Ethereum on the level of scalability and security
  • Successful launch of the main network
  • High throughput
  • Having your own official AVAX storage wallet

There is one drawback and this is the extreme volatility of the AVAX price.

Avalanche is also called blockchain 3.0, positioning itself in a row after Bitcoin (1.0) and Ethereum (2.0) as a system developed taking into account the shortcomings of its predecessors. The advantages of Avalanche are easier to determine when comparing.

Blockchain 1.0. Bitcoin has the first decentralized payment system, but its network processes a small number of transactions per second, and the structure of bitcoin other than digital payments is difficult to adapt to any application. Therefore, according to many, the main value of bitcoin as a means of saving and insurance against inflation.

Blockchain 2.0. Later, with the advent of ethereum, the use of decentralized applications with the ability to run smart contracts was introduced, which was innovative, because previously it was necessary to create a new blockchain. Ethereum has given rise to a huge wave of new dapps (decentralized applications), including the now extremely popular DeFi applications.

Blockchain 3.0. Unlike previous projects, Avalanche is a heterogeneous network consisting of many blockchains and validators. If Ethereum allows you to run a decentralized application in accordance with a smart contract, then in Avalanche, the launch of a decentralized application is determined by the so-called virtual machine, so that each DApp runs on its own independent blockchain (unlike Ethereum, whose scalability problems have especially become apparent recently). Each block chain is verified by a subnet, which is a dynamically configurable set of validators, which allows you to create individual blockchains. Overloading of the Ethereum network with an increase in transaction fees contributes to the growing interest of crypto investors in Avalanche.
The Avalanche — AVAX platform tokens are primarily used to collect transaction fees and create new networks. The AVAX issue is limited to 720,000,000 tokens. Transaction fees are burned, but the balance is maintained by issuing new coins.

What about figment Learn?

Figment launches Learn to educate and onboard developers to Web 3 protocols. With Learn, developers gain access to comprehensive practical tutorials developed by Figment and the community to foster the ecosystem’s growth. Tutorials, in the form of guided Pathways, can be completed seamlessly with DataHub which provides easy access to the protocols via our highly available full node infrastructure and suite of middleware. To foster its community, Figment is partnering with foundations to reward developers for building on Web 3 protocols and sharing their knowledge with others. Figment Learn is the Web 3 Knowledge Base.

Many promising Web 3 protocols are getting to market and are looking to introduce more developers to their unique features while fighting for the same market share. But with each new protocol launch, the barrier to entry to Web 3 development increases. Developers looking to leverage the power of blockchain technology first need to learn about decentralized protocols, understand which one is right for their project, and finally master their unique characteristics to start building. It’s an uphill battle for developers who not only need to learn new languages and adopt a new tech stack but also find the right resources that will help them become better Web 3 developers.

Figment Learn aims to solve these problems by guiding developers throughout that process. With Learn, developers can understand which network is right for them and actually interact with the protocol at each step of their learning process. Newcomers are provided with a short curriculum in the form of tutorials which helps them set up their first DApp (decentralized application) via DataHub, even with little to no expertise on a given protocol. As they complete the tutorials, they earn tokens from their selected protocol to help align their interests with the protocol’s.

Figment Learn’s main objective is to build a community of missionaries where developers are not only incentivized to learn but also to share with others. In order to create the most comprehensive Web 3 knowledge base, we reward community members who publish tutorials to accelerate the pace of innovation in Web 3. Tutorial contributors earn protocol tokens for their efforts and grow their status as protocol experts among their peers. With this dual approach, Figment Learn ensures that developers can not only understand the basics of new protocols but also dig deeper into unique use cases that will spark the next wave of mainstream applications. Learn becomes the strongest alignment mechanism between protocols and its developer community who are now incentivized to see the value of the network and its tokens grow.

And How i did avalanche pathway

Well, this is my 3rd experience with figment pathway and 1st as a writer: D I managed to finish another lesson and the guys made new material with avalanche. For the first 200 people who build the project, they pay $ 50 in AVAX. It served as a kind of challenge, and I prepared myself. At the end of this journey, we have to verify our identity with BrightID, because they became popular in Russia, and some bad guys started abusing the rewards, and then it turned into a little problem with confirming the completion of lessons. A big plus of this project is good communication in the discord app. There were people who made a project before the start and managed to confirm all the lessons. And after 10–20 minutes, everything broke down:D And we started to complete them without confirmation, the chance to get into the first 200 increased, which reduced my sports interest, but the knowledge is still higher because I’m a student and I’m starting to dive into the world of programming. The first lesson is very similar in structure to the others, so the first 3 commands in the terminal are the same and similar to the others, the beginning seemed super easy. Next, you had to install packages to interact with the avalanche environment, make a .env file to store your confidential data, and connect to the avalanche network. The first lesson was completed in a few minutes. In the second one, you need to create an avalanche account in the test environment. They also explain the principles of the 3 chains of the account (wallet). By the way, all the actions in the code, the text in the lessons are built logically and as simple as possible, which makes learning convenient. Next, I made a new file called create_account.js and instead of 3 comments substituted pieces of code in the function to successfully complete the lesson. Start command and you’re done! The 2nd lesson was also without mistakes, but the 3rd one was a surprise for me. For this tutorial, we need the curl tools, seemingly basic functions in windows that should come bundled with the software. To get started, I checked out chocolatey using powershell and started doing part 3 tasks. In this lesson, we make a request to the network. And so I created a new query file.js, copied the main part of the code to the terminal and started reading the related information in the lesson. According to the material, it was also necessary to substitute 3 pieces of code in the accompanying methods, which I managed to do with ease. The next step of the lesson is to call the command using the curl tools. Then the error and my surprise, because I did everything correctly and the necessary tools are available. I did not think long and went to the discord chat for advice, but I did not find an answer to my question. Next, the omniscient Google will help you. After 4 hours and 3 youtube lessons, I was able to solve the problem and move on. Btw later the answer appeared in the discord chat much easier to perform:D And so the next 4 lesson suggests that we make the first test transaction. Making a new transfer file.js and the template copy the main part of the code, study the material and instead of comments in the main part, substitute the parts from the lesson. Run the code and voila! At the output, you get a link with your test transaction. In the final lesson, we need to Create your first cross-chain token transfers. To begin with, we are offered to install the necessary packages for the lesson. Also a new file interchain_transfer.js. The same main piece of code with comments and their replacement. Run the command and I made my first cross-platform transaction on the avalanche network. The output also has links to control the process. At the time of writing, each part of the path has a video with a detailed description of all the actions. Big thanks to figment and avalanche teams for this experience!

Link to this guys:


Figment Learn





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